Sunday, November 30, 2014

Project Explanation

For Final project, my group is doing a video on cafeterias in Hanyang University.
We decided to do a review on Hanyang University cafeterias and rate each cafeteria.
Out of several cafeterias, we chose and visited three of them: Hanyang plaza, Engineering building and Student Building.

In the video we included shots of how to go to each cafeteria and how to buy the tickets for the food. Every information are displayed easily, therefore anyone can understand the video without any problem.

We also have a story in the film to avoid becoming a boring and obvious video. For the cafeteria rating part, we decided to use spoons just like how some movie review use popcorn for the rating. The number of spoons signifies:

My role in this project is to edit the video, camera man and actor. To be honest, all four members our group are working as editor, camera man and actor, because we all show up in the video and we need to take turns in the part where we do not take shots.

Saturday, November 1, 2014

Must Go Before I Die - Meaningful Images

As soon as I heard about 5 images that are meaningful to me, the places I want to go came to my mind. So here, I chose five images of the places I want to go before I die. I made a short video showing the sites with cheerful music. Enjoy this video, see if you've been there. If you haven't, you can try traveling these places too!  

Monday, October 27, 2014

Where are My Chips?!

Nearly Empty Bags of Chips

Excessive packaging of chips is being issued in many countries all around the world. Many bags of chips have lots of air inside or have bigger boxes than the food inside. Many customers are mad about these because almost all of them have experienced these kinds of trickery.

In fact the air inside a bag of chips is nitrogen. And it protects our chips from getting smashed into small pieces. So this is what chips companies say when they get claims on too much air inside the bags. However, people thinks although the nitrogen is necessary to protect the food inside, it seems there are too much of it and too little food to eat. What makes them more upset is the increasing price of the food. Although the amount of the chips has been lessened for the last few years, the prices of them have gone higher than before. Now there is even a joke like: I bought a bag of air and the company is nice enough to put some chips in it.   

Also here is a parody video showing too much air in a bag of chips.

These behaviors of companies are causing quite an affect to themselves too. The major reason of it is the SNS. Nowadays, when people get air bags with unacceptably little amount of chips and lots of nitrogen inside, they upload video or photos of it and complain about it to the world. These rumors are easily spread globally and can negatively affect companys image. Not only this, but recently, people can easily buy the products made in other countries, including chips. Therefore, it there are some companies which make food without conscience, customers can easily turn their backs and buy food from overseas companies, which might be cheaper with more food inside. This is actually happening in Korea recently. The domestic chip companies are lack of conscience on the packaging and price of the chips they make. So the customers prefer chips from other countries more than the ones from Korea.

My Opinion

I understand that some nitrogen is necessary for the chips to protect the contents. However, I think what many companies are doing is way too much. It just seems like they are making fun of the customers. I also had many experiences like this. Especially when eating those chips from Korean brands. You cannot understand how vain it is unless you have experienced excessively packaged foods. Some companies really need to have more conscience on what they are selling.

First of all, I assert that consumers union should make an agreement with companies or governments and set some laws about the appropriate ratio of food and nitrogen. Not only the nitrogen, but there need to be some laws to ban excessive packaging, especially too huge boxes. The penalty can be done by banning the product and paying a huge amount of fine. Moreover, customers boycott on some of the excessively packaged products will also helpful to change the situation.

For instance, recently some university students in Korea made a boat with chip bags and crossed Han River in Korea. This was to mock the too-much-air-filled chips in Korea. (They successfully crossed the river only with the chip bags since there was so much air inside the bags.

Too Much Air in Potato Chip Packets? South Korean Students Prove It: A group of South Korean students made a raft using unopened potato chip packets to float on Seoul’s main river (click link to watch the video)

If the companies do not change such unscrupulous behaviors, they will soon fail in the market. The reason is that in the globalized world, we the customers have so many different kinds of products to choose from in all over the world. Therefore, the customer has so much power than the sellers. In addition, unless there are such restrictions against their conscienceless behaviors, the companies will never try to change. Through some lawful acts and customers efforts, we will be able to eat right amount of food with appropriate price without being deceived by their external appearance.

Well, try this link to learn more about the product packaging issue: 

Sunday, October 12, 2014

Make Up Suggestion

This infographic is for the girls who are interested in make-up products. We've chosen some make up products which have good and qualities in reasonable prices. These products have been tested by us so you can trust the information!

The main color used is dark-blue. I used dark-blue in order to avoid to much attention on the title. Since title takes up quite a huge part in this infographic, using to bright colors or light colors gathered all the attention to the title. Therefore the dark-blue makes reader to put more attention to the content and information. Moreover, I thought dark-blue is not too cold but quite luxurious color. Using vivid colors could have made my infographic to look too childish; however, this color makes the infographic more simple and reliable. 

Rather than too many words, we added pictures of the products and a face, so that it shows how the products look like and where to use them. The information are also expressed in star rating style, so that the viewers and understand this infographic more easily. I did not want the infographic to look too stuffy, so the words are all hand written on an electronic device. I think it makes the infographic to look like a make-up style book. 

If you want some further information about the products on the infographic, try these websites!

Sunday, October 5, 2014

'Doctor Who' - TV Show Review

Today I am going to write a review about one of my favorite TV shows....

This is a British TV show which is being aired on BBC every week at the moment. This show has 50 years of long history, and the new season started from March 2005. I've watched this show since when I was grade 8.
The show is about a journey of The Doctor and his companion. What is so interesting about this TV series is that The Doctor is an elien - a Time Lord -  traveling through time and space using his time Machine, Tardis.  
Tardis looks like a blue ordinary police box used in the U.K years ago. However you will be surprised to see inside of it.......
Simply, it is bigger on the inside!
According to the story, Time Lords can regenerate 11 times when they die. Therefore, the actor who plays The Doctor changes in every 2 to 3 seasons.

 If I start to talk about all about the details, I need to talk about too much, so I will begin with the review of my favorite episode.

Don't Blink is the title of my faorite episode. It is 10th episode of season 3. Well, there are lots of eliens in this TV show, but this one is very unique. They are called Weeping Angels, and they look like this...
They just look like an ordinary angel statue covering their eyes; however, they are VERY DANGEROUS! They only move when no one is watching them. When they move toward you and touch are sent to 100 years back in the past!

In this episode, the Angels try to get doctor's TARDIS, because since it is a time machine, Angels will not starve forever if they own it. However if the Angels take over the Tardis, the whole history will be mixed up and it will cause unrecoverable damage to the universe.

Why is it my favorite episode..?
1. I think this one shows good use of the 'time and space' which is the main theme of the show. 
2. My favorite doctor, the tenth is playing in this role. The actor is David Tennent and I personally think that he is the most 'doctor-like' actor of all the doctors so far. 
3. Lastly, the plot is so thrilling!!! Since the angels move when you are not watching at them, you shouldn't stop watching them. That's why the title of the episode is 'BLINK'. 

Other than this, there are another two episodes about these Weeping Angels. 
I am looking foward to see them again in later episodes with twelfth doctor!

Here is the preview.. Must watch! :D


Sunday, September 28, 2014

About 'The Little Red Dot'

In this post, I am going to write about 'The little red dot'.

You may wonder what is so special about a little red dot. However, the little red dot I am talking about is special.
It is an epithet for Singapore! Do you know about Singapore? Singapore is a very country, an island located below Malaysia. The reason it is called 'The little red dot' can be seen from a world map.

Can you see? Singapore is so tiny in the world map that it is signified by 'a little red dot'. In fact it is a tiny country, even smaller than Seoul. Although it is a small country, because of its location, Singapore is a very important country in global trade.
There are some things you need to see when you visit Singapore. First of all, it's 'Marina Bay Sands'.

It is a hotel with some attractions such as shopping center, expo, casino, museum and more. I've been there when I lived in Singapore, and it was amazing! Although I could not get into the casino because of my age, there were endless stores to shop and theatre to watch musicals. I remember watching 'The Lion King' in Marina Bay Sands. Among various attractions, the best and the most well known one is the swimming pool at the roof of the building.
It has been issued world wide because of it's unique design. The edge of the swimming pool looks so thrilling, because it seems like there are no fence. However, it is not dangerous as it looks.
Secondly, its Merlion. Merlion is an imaginary animal, which has head of a lion and body of a fish. This imaginary animal signifies Singapore, and it can be seen in many sovenirs in Singapore.

There are five merlions in Singapore. But the most well known ones are three of them. One in Sentosa and two in Marina Bay Sands.

This one is the biggest merlion of the three and is located in Sentosa island, Singapore. It is 37m replica of merlion and you can go inside and there are some sovenir shops and observatory. You can go up to its mouth and top of its head. Some people call it 'the father merlion'. The reason it is called the father merlion is because there are a mother merlion and a baby merlion too!

These two are the ones in Merlion Park, Marina Bay Sands. The merlion on the left is about 8.6m tall and people call it mother merlion. Unlike other merlions, this one spurts out water from its mouth. The one on the right is a 2m cub merlion behind the mother merlion. It is very small and cute compare to the other two.

Now you know what 'The Little Red Dot' is and what you need to see in Singapore right?
If you haven't been to Singapore yet, try going there for your next holiday.
You will have lots of fun in The Little Red Dot!

Tuesday, September 23, 2014

Self Introduction

Welcome to my blog! 
I'm HyunJi, 20 years old this year.  

I live in Seoul with my family. I have a brother and a sister and they are both younger than me. 

I go to Hanyang University in Seoul, and I am a freshman this year. My major is business administration. I am also in a school club called 'KUSA' which us a short form for 'Korean Unesco Student Association'. In the club we do debates on social issues. Yet, I haven't been the member of the club for a long time, but I think I'll enjoy it. :)

My favorite celebrity is Suzy. She is a member of an idol group called 'Miss A'. Although she is a singer, I like her not because of her music but her looks. Her look is the 'ideal look' that I always want to become. 

I have so many foods which I like, so it is hard to pick 'one' food that I like the most. Well, at the moment 'Brito' comes in my mind. It is a Mexican food in various recipes and flavors. Doesn't this↓ look delicious? There is a restaurant which sells burrito just near my university and I often go there. The restaurant is perfect for a student to go because it is cheap and delicious.

These were about myself and some of my favorite things. 
Welcome again and enjoy my blog!